Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps ئاپەکان

Hazard Perception Test Vol 1 3.7
Prepare for the hazard perception part of your theory test
Driving Theory Test Kit 2020 for UK Car Drivers 2.3
Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps
Official DVSA Revision questions and Hazard Perception Test. TheoryTest Kit for Car Drivers offers the most advanced test system toyour smartphone or tablet offering practice ALL Latest OfficialDVSA Revision Theory Test questions and answers. Theory Test Kitcontains everything you need to prepare and pass your UK CarDriving Theory Test! (1) Theory Test for Car Drivers: Official DVSARevision Theory Test questions and answers. (2) Hazard PerceptionTest: Including NEW Official CGI videos. (3) The Highway Code.APPLICATION FEATURES > Contains the complete Official Revisionquestions from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) forcar drivers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. > Includes 26official DVSA hazard clips. * Suitable for: - Learner Car Drivers -Learner Motorcyclists - LGV Drivers - PCV Drivers - ADIs and PDIs> Intelligent learning system: The questions are selected usingan algorithm taking into account your latest scores and thequestions that you need to practice more. > Modern and easy touse interface with features including:- ~ Test simulator ~ Practiceby category ~ Review all questions ~ The Highway Code ~ Statisticsmodule to track and monitor your progress ~ Hazard Perception TestThe application is divided into the following sections: - MOCKTHEORY TEST Perform a simulation under the same conditions as theofficial DVSA theory test. When you finish the test you will seeyour score and review all the questions. View full explanationsafter each question to help you remember the correct answer fornext time. - PRACTICE THEORY TEST Test your knowledge by practicingby categories. The bank of questions from the DVSA is divided into14 categories, these are: ~ Alertness ~ Attitude ~ Safety and yourvehicle ~ Safety margins ~ Hazard awareness ~ Vulnerable road users~ Other types of vehicle ~ Vehicle handling ~ Motorway rules ~Rules of the road ~ Road and traffic signs ~ Documents ~ Accidents~ Vehicle loading You can select one or more categories topractice. You can also perform rapid tests for 10, 20 or 30questions. In this section there is no time limit and you can seethe official explanation of the DVSA before selecting the correctanswer. - REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS The entire question bank ofquestions presented to you by category. - THE HIGHWAY CODE There isa digital version of The Official Highway Code where you learn therules of the road and traffic signs. - PROGRESS MONITOR Theapplication saves the result of each question answered and ahistory of failures and successes to offer the most advanced systemof all the statistics. - HAZARD PERCEPTION TEST The hazardperception test (HPT) is the second part of the driving theorytest. Practice your hazard perception test with official clips fromthe DVSA. The application includes 26 official DVSA clips to testyour reaction time. This application reproduces the experience ofthe real test. You identify the correct hazard by touching thescreen on your device. The earlier you identify the hazard the moreyou score. The scoring goes from five to zero points. When youfinish a clip you can play it in review mode to see exactly whenthe hazard begins and ends. (!) Crown Copyright material reproducedunder licence from The Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency whichdoes not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of thereproduction.
Driver Theory Test Ireland PRO
Irish Driving Theory Test Questions and Answers. Pass your DTTfirst time!
LGV Theory Test Kit - HGV Theory Test UK 2020 2.1
Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps
OFFICIAL LGV THEORY TEST + HAZARD PERCEPTION + THE HIGHWAY CODE.Official DVSA Revision questions and Hazard Perception Test. LGVTheory Test Kit offers the most advanced test system to yoursmartphone or tablet offering practice ALL Latest Official DVSARevision Theory Test questions and answers. LGV Theory Test Kitcontains everything you need to prepare and pass your UK LGV TheoryTest! (1) LGV Theory Test: Official DVSA Revision Theory Testquestions and answers. (2) Hazard Perception Test: Including NEWOfficial CGI videos. (3) The Highway Code. APPLICATION FEATURES> Contains the complete Official Revision questions from theDriver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) for LGV in Great Britainand Northern Ireland. > Includes 26 official DVSA hazard clips.* Suitable for: - Learner Car Drivers - Learner Motorcyclists - LGVDrivers - PCV Drivers - ADIs and PDIs > Intelligent learningsystem: The questions are selected using an algorithm taking intoaccount your latest scores and the questions that you need topractice more. > Modern and easy to use interface with featuresincluding:- ~ Test simulator ~ Practice by category ~ Review allquestions ~ The Highway Code ~ Statistics module to track andmonitor your progress ~ Hazard Perception Test The application isdivided into the following sections: - MOCK THEORY TEST Perform asimulation under the same conditions as the official DVSA theorytest. When you finish the test you will see your score and reviewall the questions. View full explanations after each question tohelp you remember the correct answer for next time. - PRACTICETHEORY TEST Test your knowledge by practicing by categories.You canselect one or more categories to practice. You can also performrapid tests for 10, 20 or 30 questions. In this section there is notime limit and you can see the official explanation of the DVSAbefore selecting the correct answer. - REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS Theentire question bank of questions presented to you by category. -THE HIGHWAY CODE There is a digital version of The Official HighwayCode where you learn the rules of the road and traffic signs. -PROGRESS MONITOR The application saves the result of each questionanswered and a history of failures and successes to offer the mostadvanced system of all the statistics. - HAZARD PERCEPTION TEST Thehazard perception test (HPT) is the second part of the drivingtheory test. Practice your hazard perception test with officialclips from the DVSA. The application includes 26 official DVSAclips to test your reaction time. This application reproduces theexperience of the real test. You identify the correct hazard bytouching the screen on your device. The earlier you identify thehazard the more you score. The scoring goes from five to zeropoints. When you finish a clip you can play it in review mode tosee exactly when the hazard begins and ends. (!) Crown Copyrightmaterial reproduced under licence from The Driver and VehiclesStandards Agency which does not accept any responsibility for theaccuracy of the reproduction.
PCV Theory Test Kit - Theory Test UK 2020 2.1
Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps
OFFICIAL PCV Theory Test preparation materials from the Driving& Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA - the people who set thetests). Prepare for your Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) TheoryTest and pass FIRST TIME! PCV Theory Test Kit contains everythingyou need to prepare and pass your UK PCV Theory Test! (1) PCVTheory Test: Official DVSA Revision Theory Test questions andanswers. (2) Hazard Perception Test: Including Official CGI videos.(3) The Highway Code. APPLICATION FEATURES - Contains the completeOfficial Revision questions from the Driver and Vehicle StandardsAgency (DVSA) for PCV. - Intelligent learning system: The questionsare selected using an algorithm taking into account your latestscores and the questions that you need to practice more. - Trackand monitor your progress. Analyse your performance and find outwhen you have reached test standard. - Modern and easy to useinterface with features including: 1 ~ Test simulator 2 ~ Practiceby category 3 ~ The Highway Code 4 ~ Statistics module to track andmonitor your progress The application is divided into the followingsections: - MOCK THEORY TEST Perform a simulation under the sameconditions as the official DVSA theory test. When you finish thetest you will see your score and review all the questions. Viewfull explanations after each question to help you remember thecorrect answer for next time. - PRACTICE PCV THEORY TEST Test yourknowledge by practicing by categories. You can select one or morecategories to practice. You can also perform rapid tests for 10, 20or 30 questions. In this section there is no time limit and you cansee the official explanation of the DVSA before selecting thecorrect answer. - REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS The entire official questionbank of questions presented to you by category. - THE HIGHWAY CODEThere is a digital version of The Official Highway Code where youlearn the rules of the road and traffic signs. - PROGRESS MONITORThe application saves the result of each question answered and ahistory of failures and successes to offer the most advanced systemof all the statistics. 
 - HAZARD PERCEPTION TEST The hazardperception test (HPT) is the second part of the driving theorytest. Practice your hazard perception test with official clips fromthe DVSA. The application includes 26 official DVSA clips to testyour reaction time. This application reproduces the experience ofthe real test. You identify the correct hazard by touching thescreen on your device. The earlier you identify the hazard the moreyou score. The scoring goes from five to zero points. When youfinish a clip you can play it in review mode to see exactly whenthe hazard begins and ends. (!) Crown Copyright material reproducedunder licence from The Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency whichdoes not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of thereproduction.
Motorcycle Theory Test Kit - Theory Test UK 2020 2.3
Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps
Official DVSA Revision Questions and Hazard Perception Test.Motorcycle Theory Test Kit offers the most advanced test system toyour smartphone or tablet offering practice ALL Latest OfficialDVSA Revision Theory Test questions and answers. Motorcycle TheoryTest Kit contains everything you need to prepare and pass your UKMotorcycle Theory Test! (1) Theory Test for Motorcyclists: OfficialDVSA Revision Theory Test questions and answers. (2) HazardPerception Test: Including NEW Official CGI videos. (3) The HighwayCode. APPLICATION FEATURES > Contains the complete OfficialRevision questions from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency(DVSA) for Motorcyclists in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.> Includes 26 official DVSA hazard clips. * Suitable for: -Learner Car Drivers - Learner Motorcyclists - LGV Drivers - PCVDrivers - ADIs and PDIs > Intelligent learning system: Thequestions are selected using an algorithm taking into account yourlatest scores and the questions that you need to practice more.> Modern and easy to use interface with features including:- ~Test simulator ~ Practice by category ~ Review all questions ~ TheHighway Code ~ Statistics module to track and monitor your progress~ Hazard Perception Test The application is divided into thefollowing sections: - MOCK THEORY TEST Perform a simulation underthe same conditions as the official DVSA theory test. When youfinish the test you will see your score and review all thequestions. View full explanations after each question to help youremember the correct answer for next time. - PRACTICE THEORY TESTTest your knowledge by practicing by categories. You can select oneor more categories to practice. You can also perform rapid testsfor 10, 20 or 30 questions. In this section there is no time limitand you can see the official explanation of the DVSA beforeselecting the correct answer. - REVIEW ALL QUESTIONS The entirequestion bank of questions presented to you by category. - THEHIGHWAY CODE There is a digital version of The Official HighwayCode where you learn the rules of the road and traffic signs. -PROGRESS MONITOR The application saves the result of each questionanswered and a history of failures and successes to offer the mostadvanced system of all the statistics. - HAZARD PERCEPTION TEST Thehazard perception test (HPT) is the second part of the drivingtheory test. Practice your hazard perception test with officialclips from the DVSA. The application includes 26 official DVSAclips to test your reaction time. This application reproduces theexperience of the real test. You identify the correct hazard bytouching the screen on your device. The earlier you identify thehazard the more you score. The scoring goes from five to zeropoints. When you finish a clip you can play it in review mode tosee exactly when the hazard begins and ends. (!) Crown Copyrightmaterial reproduced under licence from The Driver and VehiclesStandards Agency which does not accept any responsibility for theaccuracy of the reproduction.
DMV Motorcycle Practice Test Free 2.2
Motorcycle Permit Test offers the most advanced test system to yourSmartphone or Tablet offering practice over 340 up to-date DMVquestions. With Motorcycle Permit Test, you'll be prepared! Theapplication is divided into the following sections: MOCK TEST Mocktest simulates the real test format. When you finish the test youwill see your score and review all the questions. PRACTICE BYTOPICS Test your knowledge by practicing by topics. DRIVER'SMANUALS You can download your state’s Driver's Manual to yourdevice anytime! The manuals are official DMV publications. PROGRESSMONITOR The application saves the result of each question answeredand a history of failures and successes to offer the most advancedsystem of all the statistics. APPLICATION FEATURES * Over 340questions. * Intelligent learning system: The questions areselected using an algorithm taking into account your latest scoresand the questions that you need to practice more. * Track andmonitor your progress. Analyse your performance and find out whenyou have reached test standard. * Modern and very easy to useinterface. If you enjoyed the app, please rate it and tell afriend!
Hazard Perception Test Vol 2 3.7
Prepare for the hazard perception part of your theory test
Hazard Perception Test - CGI E 3.7
CGI Hazard Perception Test. Pass your HPT first time!
Führerschein Österreich: Theorieprüfung Fahrschule 1.8
Offizieller BMVIT-Lizenznehmer Bestehe die Theorieprüfung im erstenAnlauf! Offizielle Fragen von BMVIT. Gültig für alleFührerscheinklassen in Österreich (A/B/C/D/E/F). iFahrschulTheorieist ein innovatives Testprogramm für die Führerscheinprüfung fürAndroid Smartphone und Android-Tablet mit über 3000 aktuellenÜbungsfragen. Mit iFahrschulTheorie kommst Du schneller voran alsmit allen anderen, konventionellen Methoden. Ob an derBushaltestelle, in der Kneipe, in der Schule, auf der Arbeit oderbeim Zahnarzt im Wartezimmer: Du kannst überall und ohneInternetverbindung lernen! Mit iFahrschulTheorie BESTEHST DUSICHER! * Die App ist in folgende Abschnitte unterteilt: -PRÜFUNGSSIMULATION 100% reale Prüfungssituation zur optimalenVorbereitung auf den Prüfungstag. Am Ende kannst du die Fehlerüberprüfen und den Test noch einmal komplett durchgehen. -TESTFRAGEN NACH THEMEN Prüfe dein Wissen in verschiedenenThemenbereichen. Du kannst dabei ein oder mehrere Themen und Testsmit 10, 20 oder 30 Übungsfragen auswählen. - FRAGEN DURCHGEHEN Wennnicht mehr viel Zeit bleibt und du alle Fragen noch einmal schnelldurchgehen willst, kannst du auf den vollständigen Fragenkatalogvon BMVIT zugreifen und ohne Test gleich die richtigen Antwortendazu lernen. Mit Suchfiltern kannst du zu einem konkreten Thema dieFragen mit den meisten Fehlern oder die unbeantworteten Fragenheraussuchen. Dieser Abschnitt ist vor allem für das Lernen kurzvor der Prüfung sinnvoll. - STATISTIK UND ERGEBNISSE Die Anwendungspeichert die Ergebnisse zu jedem einzelnen Test und jedereinzelnen Frage. Damit kann eine optimale Statistik erstellt werdenund du kannst jederzeit deinen Wissenstand zu den einzelnen Themenüberprüfen. Die Anwendung enthält zwei Arten von Grafiken. So kanneinerseits der Fortschritt bei den Testergebnisse und andererseitsder Bearbeitungsstand der einzelnen Themen dargestellt werden. Sosiehst du genau, wann du ausreichend für die Anmeldung zur Prüfungvorbereitet bist. * MERKMALE: - Einfache und zeitgemäßeBedienoberfläche. - Gültig für alle Führerscheinklassen inÖsterreich: + A Motorrad + B Auto + C/C1 LKW + D/D1 Bus + EAnhänger + F Traktor - Aktueller offizieller BMVIT-Fragenkatalog. -Die Prüfungssimulationen werden je nach Prüfungsart nach demZufallsprinzip generiert. - Intelligentes Lernsystem. DerAuswahlalgorithmus berücksichtigt auf Grundlage früherer Antwortenbesonders die Fragen, die du noch am meisten üben musst. - LaufendeUpdates und Verbesserungen. Mit iFahrschulTheorie BESTEHST DUSICHER! Wir freuen uns über deine Fragen und
Экзамен ПДД. Билеты ГИБДД 2.3
Tests and tickets of the traffic police of the Russian Federationin 2020. Prepare the SDA exam and pass it successfully!
Stop Tobacco Mobile Trainer. Q 2.4
Want to be free? Choose your virtual therapist and start quittingsmoking now!
自動車運転免許用アプリ: 1000問以上を収録 1.4
運転免許試験に一回で合格しよう!このアプリを使えばきっと合格できる! -1000問以上を収録現行法に則って更新、監修された1000問を超える問題が収録された、スマートフォンやタブレット向けの最も高度な模擬試験システムをご提供します。すべての問題にはそれぞれ該当する説明が添えられています。アプリケーションは以下のセクションから構成されています。 -模擬テスト本番の学科試験を忠実に真似たシミュレーションテストを行うことができます。テスト終了後間違えたところやすべての問題の解答を確認することが可能です。合格するには10問中最低7 問正解する必要があります。 -テーマ別テストテーマ別の問題に答えて自分の知識を試してみることができます。10問、20問、30問、50問、90問までの問題に挑戦してみましょう。 -問題を確認する時間があまりなくて素早く見直したい場合には、テストを行なわずにすべての問題にアクセスすることができ、各問題に対する説明付きの解答を確認することが可能です。フィルターを使用して、最もよく間違えた問題や、特定のテーマでまだ回答したことがない問題を検索することもできます。このセクションは本番直前の復習に非常に役立つでしょう。-統計および進捗状況このアプリケーションでは、既に行なった各テストだけでなく問題一つひとつについての履歴が保存されます。各テーマごとに、これまで身につけた知識が全体の何パーセントに相当するのかを常に把握することができるので、最高の統計データを提供することになります。このアプリケーションでは、模擬テストの進捗状況ならびに、各カテゴリーごとの完了した問題の割合の2種類の図表が提示されます。ですから、本番の試験を受ける準備が出来たときをはっきりと見極めることができます。* 特徴 - 簡単で現代的なインターフェース -それぞれに説明付きで1000問以上を収録。 -インテリジェントな学習システムより練習する必要がある問題を考慮した、過去の結果に基づくアルゴリズムを使用して問題が選択されます。
Ontario G1 Practice Test 2.1
Ontario G1 Practice Test. Pass your Ontario G1 Knowledge Test thefirst time!
Radarwarner. Blitzer DE 7.7.0
Take care of your driver's license! GPS Radar Detector Pro 100%legal
Detector de Radares 7.7.0
Radar Detector # 1. Warning radar 100% legal. fixed and mobileradars
Radarbot Pro: Speed Camera Detector & Speedometer
Iteration Mobile & Vialsoft Apps
Radarbot is your ally on the road. It’s the only applicationthatcombines real-time Alerts with the best speed cameradetectionsystem using GPS. 100% legal and reliable. Drive safelyand forgetabout fines forever. With Radarbot, you’ll have the bestspeedcamera warning device, real-time traffic Alerts and anadvancedspeedometer, all in one powerful application. - SPEEDCAMERADETECTOR Have complete peace of mind at the wheel withoutriskingyour driving licence. Radarbot warns you about all kinds ofspeedcameras: - Fixed speed cameras. - Potential mobilecameras(reported by users). - Tunnel cameras. - ANPR cameras. -Trafficlight cameras. - Dangerous traffic areas. Daily updates: Weupdateour speed camera database every day so that you can benefitfromcontinuous improvements and free updates. NO SUBSCRIPTIONORREGISTRATION REQUIRED! * FEATURES: - It can be integrated withanyGPS navigator such as the Maps application, allowing youtosimultaneously receive navigation Alerts. - Battery savingmode.The application is able to work in the background. Youwillcontinue to receive notifications even with the screen turnedoff.- Choose from 4 different visualization modes. - Simpleandfunctional interface. You can see the distance to the nearestspeedcamera, it’s location, direction and speed limit all in realtime.- Voice notifications. - Warnings for the direction in whichyouare travelling. The application automatically dismissesspeedcameras in the opposite direction or outside your route. -SoundAlerts when approaching a speed camera. - Warnings whenbreakingthe speed limit. - Vibrating mode for motorists. -Completelyconfigurable warning distances and parameters. -Verification ofnotifications. The reliability of speed cameranotifications iscalculated in real time, according to theinformation reported tothe platform by all users. - Wear OScompatible. - REAL TIME ALERTSRadarbot is a community made up of 2million drivers across theworld, with whom you can share andreceive voice notifications inreal time. Find out instantly what’shappening on the road andavoid unwanted surprises. * FEATURES: -Communication platformcreated by and for drivers. - Receive Alertsand notify abouttraffic, mobile controls and new fixed speedcameras. - Inputthrough voice recognition: You can raise Alerts forother userswithout needing to use the keypad. - SPEEDOMETER Log andvisualizeall speeds during your route. * FEATURES: - Real-timevisualizationof: * Speed diagram. * Current, maximum and averagespeed. - Allowsyou to establish a speed limit and to activate asound Alert whenyou break it. - Route save function. The PROversion of Radarbotincludes everything as standard, free fromadvertising and in-apppurchases. You can try the Free version ofRadarbot and go PROwhenever you want, by making an in-app purchase.If you have anydoubts or suggestions, we’d be delighted + Follow us onFacebook: + Visit
Speed Camera Detector 7.7.0
Protect your Driver’s Licence. Speed Camera Detector. 100% legaland reliable
Driving Theory Test UK 5.7
Pass your UK Theory Test 2023! Latest revision questions licensedby DVSA
Autoescuela Móvil. Test DGT 7.1
All DGT permissions. Pass the theoretical exam the first timewithout going to class!
LGV Theory Test UK (HGV) 5.6
Pass your UK LGV Theory Test 2023! Latest revision questionslicensed by DVSA
NZ Driving Theory Test 2.6
Prepare for the New Zealand Driver License Test and pass firsttime!
Motorcycle Theory Test UK 5.6
Motorcycle Practice Theory Test 2023. Motorbike UK driving licence
手机理论驾校: 手机驾考
Driving license theory test in a short time to prepare, toensurethat a one-time pass. Traffic driving simulation test